Congratulations 2024 HPHS Trainee Abstract Award Winners!

Dr. Fahire Goknur Akarca presenting her first place abstract at USCAP 2024.

Role of Genomic Changes in the Classification of Well Differentiated Hepatocellular Lesions Authors: James P. Grenert, Sanjay Kakar, Institution: University of California, San Francisco

Dr. Sandeep Kumar accepts the second place award from Drs. Joe Misdraji and Dhanpat Jain.

Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Histologic Subtypes Correlated with Hidden-Genome Classification
(Authors: Laury Raquele, Yi Song, Esther Drill, Efsevia Vakiani, Rohit Chandwani, James Harding, William R. Jarnagin, Carlie Sigel; Institution: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, SUNY Downstate, New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center

Dr. Hailey Gosnell accepts the third place award from Dr. Joe Misdraji.

Hepatocellular adenomas with high-risk molecular alterations undetected by “high-risk” B-catenin and/or glutamine synthetase staining patterns
Authors: Daniel Roberts, Xuefeng Zhang, Azzato E, Jakubowski M, Calderaro J, Graham R, Sanjay Kakar, Daniela Allende; Institution: Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Henry Mondor University Hospital, Mayo Clinic, University of California, San Francisco

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