President’s Message October 2019
Dear Friends and Fellow Hepatophiles,
We are approaching the end of the year and requests for renewal of membership will be going out soon. If you are interested in joining one of the HPHS committees, please indicate your preference with your renewal. The new committee appointments are typically discussed by the Executive committee before the USCAP annual meeting.
The society is gearing up for the USCAP meeting next year. The line-up for the Companion Society meeting is final and preparations for the Hans Popper reception are underway. The HPHS education committee will soon send an invitation for submission of accepted abstracts for the Trainee award. Look out for the Abstract Award and other USCAP-related announcements, which will be sent by email, and also posted on the website and Twitter.
Several other changes are also in the works. The Website committee has been working diligently on a new and updated website, which is expected to go live early next year. The Executive committee has been reviewing the Bylaws and Standard Operating Procedures. Updates to these documents will be finalized and presented to the membership at the HPHS at USCAP.
I urge all members to actively participate in the society’s endeavors by volunteering for a committee, contributing to case of the month, sharing ideas for member surveys, and sending your feedback.
Sanjay Kakar, MD
President, Hans Popper Hepatopathology Society