President’s Message April 2019

Dear Friends and Fellow Hepatophiles,

I would like to thank everyone who attended the HPHS reception at the USCAP meeting. We had a vibrant gathering and the room was packed within a few minutes. Hanlin and Ilke welcomed everyone at the door as part of the membership committee and the book raffle was a big hit as always. Thanks to all the authors who generously donated the books; I already have a few for the next year! Thanks also to all the executive members, Mike, Grace and Cindy for organizing the reception as well as to past president Isabel, who has been instrumental in the logistical aspects of the reception.

The companion society meeting was very well attended and I have received a lot of positive feedback about the speakers as well as the topics.

Thanks to all the speakers for an outstanding session: Joe Misdraji (MGH), Bita Naini (UCLA), Andrew Bellizzi (U Iowa), Achim Weber (Zurich), Andrew Clouston (Brisbane) and Christine Sempoux (Lausanne). If you have any suggestions about the topics and speakers for next year’s meeting, please let me know.
A brief summary of the steatohepatitis survey was shared at the Hans Popper reception. The detailed results will be posted soon on the website and a notification will be sent to the members. Thanks again to the membership for their robust participation in the survey.

The committee chairs shared their annual reports in the Business meeting at the USCAP. The society’s activities including the Journal watch, case of the month and resident abstract award are going well, the
finances are sound, and the Twitter presence is growing. Please continue your active participation in the society’s activities.

Sanjay Kakar, MD
President, Hans Popper Hepatopathology Society

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