At the beginning of 2014, I hope everyone has had a nice holiday and New Year. We had an extremely remarkable and successful meeting at the Companion Meeting in the U.S. and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP) in March, 2013 at the Convention Center in Baltimore, MD. The theme of our program was focused on the update of liver fibrosis. At the meeting, excellent talks on the up-to-date research in liver fibrosis, image modalities of fibrosis, and assessment of fibrosis progression and regression in liver biopsy were given by Drs. Alastair Burt, Scott Reeder, and Pierre Bedossa, respectively. Our clinician guest, Dr. Jay Hoofnagle, shared his clinical insight on the clinical evaluation and the future perspectives of fibrosis in liver disease. We have received a lot of positive feedback from the audience.
The pathogenesis of primary liver neoplasms remains complex and the pathological diagnosis may be challenging at times. There has also been recently developed nomenclature in the imaging reporting of liver cancer. The theme of our 2014 meeting focuses on update of liver neoplasms. The meeting will be held at the San Diego Convention Center in Ballroom 3 on Sunday, March 2nd, 2014 from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm. We will hear about an update of hepatocellular adenoma from the aspect of molecular biology to pathological diagnosis from our pathologist colleague, Dr. Paulette Bioulac-Sage. We will also hear an update on the liver imaging reporting of liver cancer from our radiologist colleague, Dr. Claude Sirlin. After the coffee break, a talk about update on unusual malignant mesenchymal tumors will be given by Dr. Linda Ferrell. Finally, Dr. Milton Finegold will give an update on pediatric liver neoplasms. We sincerely hope you agree this is an excellent program with outstanding speakers and we look forward to your attending.
Right after the Companion Meeting we will have our business meeting where we will be voting on new officers, including the Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer. Dr. Isabel Fiel will be stepping up to be President. I will be moving on to be Past President. We sincerely thank the current Past President, Dr. David Kleiner for his excellent service during his tenure.
We are also especially indebted to Dr. Elizabeth Brunt, who has spent tremendous efforts and time, serving as Secretary-Treasurer in the past many years. Without her, the Hans Popper Hepatopathology Society would not have thrived! It is important for you members to stay for the voting at the Business Meeting. The Executive Committee welcomes names for the slate of officers after the persons’ consent by February 15. Feel free to send a suggestion to any of the current officers.
I appreciate all of the members for their support of our society. The dues that you pay to be part of the HPHS help to support non-member guest speakers at our Annual Meeting and our Annual Prize for best USCAP abstract by a pathologist-in-training.
We welcome and encourage abstracts from pathology trainees for the Best Abstract Award at HPHS again this year. Please send the accepted abstract to Dr. Oyedele Adeyi (email: by January 25. If you are not currently a member, but would like to join, applications are available from Dr. Elizabeth Brunt, our current Secretary-Treasurer, who may be reached at And a final reminder, our international members are not assessed the annual membership dues.
Matthew M. Yeh, M.D., Ph.D.
Hans Popper Hepatopathology Society